About Us
Benny Binion
At the entrance at the South Point Arena features the prestigious Benny Binion statue. Benny Binion was one of the city’s founding fathers and the man who brought the National Finals Rodeo to Las Vegas. Benny’s involvement in the rodeo industry included providing bucking stock and pickup horses for major rodeos across the country, including the National Finals Rodeo. He also had a passion for cutting horses and won three world titles in the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) with his little black gelding, Son of Band Time. Even though Benny is no longer with us, his presence is still prominent in the city of Las Vegas with the Benny Binion World Famous Bucking Horse and Bull Sale held annually in December in conjunction with the National Finals Rodeo. Benny made an impact on the rodeo world and was always ready to help a cowboy in need. Benny is still honored to this day with his statue at South Point and at the National Finals Rodeo with the appearance of the famous red stagecoach drawn by six black horses. We thank Benny for his contributions to the world of rodeo and Las Vegas.

Bronc Halters
The famous entrance of the South Point Arena features the exquisite Benny Binion statue and a wall of 125 saddle bronc halters from rodeo stock contractors across the United States. The tradition of hanging the halters on the wall started over 25 years ago when Mr. Michael Gaughan purchased 12 halters from a charity auction to benefit an injured cowboy. The halters were originally displayed at the Gold Coast Hotel & moved to South Point at its opening in 2006. Over the years, rodeo stock contractors have donated their company halters to be featured on the famous wall.